Approximate Cost and Proforma Invoice
It is mandatory for researchers applying for a project to determine the approximate cost of all kinds of goods, materials and services needed while creating the budget they will request. In accordance with the relevant legislation, the following prices are taken as basis in determining the approximate cost:
  • Prices determined by public administrations and institutions according to the characteristics of the goods,
  • Prices and fees for the same or similar goods procured by the contracting authority or other administrations,
  • Prices set by the relevant professional chambers,
  • Pro forma invoice received from real or legal persons who produce or market the goods subject to tender in the market.
 The proforma invoice is in the form of an offer. Companies are deemed to have determined the quantity, unit price and tax rate of the goods with the proforma invoice and notified the researcher. Researchers are required to determine their project budgets based on the proforma invoices they will provide and upload a copy of these documents in pdf file format to the system during the application phase. In addition, researchers whose project application is accepted must submit the originals of the proforma documents to the BAP Coordination Unit Purchasing Department.