Ethics Committee Approval Certificate
The proposed projects must be original and in accordance with the ethical rules and the issues specified in Karabük University Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive. For research and applications to be carried out on humans and animals, approval must be obtained from the ethics committees of the relevant units.
In the field of social sciences and humanities, scientific research and studies to be carried out with the participation of real persons (people) directly or electronically, with all kinds of questionnaires, tests, scales, interviews, observations, pictures, drawings, video films and sound recordings, must be approved by Karabük University Social Sciences and Humanities Ethics Committee.
For projects that require ethics committee approval, project coordinators must upload the Ethics Committee Approval document obtained within the last twelve months to the system in the application and submit the original of the relevant document or a copy approved by the competent authorities to the BAP Coordination Unit for the projects decided to be supported. If necessary, the BAP Coordination Unit may take a copy of the document by seeing the original and return the original document to the researcher.